Portfolio Website – pecha kucha


In this brief i was asked to show 4 pieces of work i have already produced and produce a final 5th piece. For my fifth piece of work i decided to create a portfolio website. I design and and produced a working website using dreamweaver and above is a screen shot of the photography page that is in my website.

Global Issues presentation

Global issues

Above is a link to my global issue presentation.

In my presentation i looked at 3 global issues. Global Warming, Clean Drinking Water and Homelessness. For this project i chose Homelessness for the global issue i was going to tackle. The reason i chose homelessness was because it is an issue that can be seen in every single day and in every single country around the world, and i really wanted to change the publics perception of homeless people and try and change their opinion and bridge the social gap.

The idea I’m going to fully develop is the “create a homeless persons sign”.