Dissertation Introduction

Introduction Plan

Cover the What? Why? How?

  • What the question is about – explain the interpretation of the question and what it is asking me to do.
  • Why the question is important – put the question into context and identify the main issues that are raised by the question.
  • How i’m going to answer it – let the reader know what i’m going to cover in my essay in order to answer the question.

Dissertation Research

Research Plan


Below is a list of ares I feel are important to cover throughout my dissertation research,I feel this research plan will help me to make sure i cover the key points i have identified in the initial stages of research.



  • Define Homelessness
  • Whats been done nationally
  • How campaigns vary across Scotland
  • Focus on Perth & Kinross


  • Perth & Kinross council homeless strategy
  • Community planning strategy for Perth & Kinross
  • What is currently being done
  • What works, what doesn’t
  • Councils community plan

Dissertation Research Question

How can design assist in preventing people from becoming homeless?

In my dissertation I will look at how can design can assist and help prevent situations, how social design can have a positive impact and engage with those on the fringes of becoming homeless and how design campaigns can raise awareness of homelessness all in turn helping to prevent people reaching the later stages and being classed as homeless.

Winter Festival 2014

Winter Festival Mood-board 


My initial thoughts when i think of designing a Flyer for a ‘Winter Festival’. The obvious first thoughts re winter itself, snowy photographs leading onto snowflakes and the obvious. Winter time makes me think of christmas so i looked at the street decorations/christmas lights we see in most cities every year, the big bold snow flakes really stand out and I like how they represent winter appose to just christmas like most decorations. looking at other winter related festival flyers i noticed 99% of them were absolutely packed with information text, i did however like the light pastel shades of blue and purple used and particularly liked it against a light background. Big bold imagery seemed to work best at capturing attention.

Winter Festival 2014

Design Brief 

Client – Lisa Lewis
Designer – Derek Martin
Date Briefed – 11/9/14
Project Name – Winter Festival
Deadline – 2/10/14

Background Information – Music and Arts festival with live music that is student orientated with all involvement being students but aiming to attract more than just students. location – perth College UHI student union.

Items and Layout – A5 double sided flyer aimed initially at students then friends and family.

Objectives and Desired Response – A showcase with a professional but friendly feel.

Design Requirements – A5 Flyer with 200 copies of final. Full colour spectrum available to use.

Technical Details – UHI logo must be used within the design. Screen based and print friendly.

Copy – Date, around the 1st December 2014 (Not set on date as of yet). Text, to promote the fact that the winter festival is going on and to get students involved.

Target Audience – Students, family and friends, potential employers and other colleges and universities.

Brand Attributes – New brand as this is the first year of being held – create all brand attributes.

Mandatory Inclusions – Perth College Logo (UHI Version).

Additional Considerations – Quick and professional turn around.